Will Donald Trump Be the Peacenik President? Was He Elected Dictator? And What's the Deal with Thanksgiving?
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About six weeks ago, we launched the Reason podcast, a daily conversation on all sorts of topics that lasts between 30 to 90 minutes that fits in your pocket (phone). You can check it out here or subscribe for free at iTunes (rate and review us while you're there).
We've always been interested in new ways of spreading the message of "Free Minds and Free Markets" and we've always taken delight in how technology and the breakdown of traditional gatekeeper institutions effectively deregulated the production and consumption of culture every bit as much as, say, interstate trucking was deregulated in the late 1970s. The podcast is one of the things we're asking you as readers of Reason.com to support during our annual webathon. Through December 6, we're trying to raise $250,000 to help cover the costs of our journalism—the print magazine, this website, Reason TV, and more.
We love what we do—and we can't do it without your help. That's why we're hosting our annual webathon through Tuesday, December 6. We're asking readers of this site to make tax-deductible donations in dollars and Bitcoin to Reason Foundation, the 501(c)(3) nonprofit that publishes our award-winning journalism in video, audio, and print form.
Different giving levels come with different levels of swag:
$100 Reason magazine sub (includes print or digital) {digital includes access to archives of 46 years of Reason Magazine} Receive invitations to Reason events in your area.
$250 Includes print and digital subscription to Reason plus a Reason T-Shirt custom designed for this webathon by Reason Magazine art director Joanna Andreasson. Receive books by Reason authors.
$500 All of the above and a copy of the film "Can we Take a Joke?"
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$10,000 All of the above & 2 tickets to Reason Weekend for 1st time attendees.
Here's what early reviewers of the podcast are saying:
In recent podcasts, we've talked with "renegade" historian Thaddeus Russell about why he thinks Donald Trump will be a "peacenik president," one less likely to indiscriminately bomb random countries (though Russell says Trump will be awful in the Middle East).
And we've talked with food historian Rachel Laudan about the origins of Thanksgiving as a uniquely American meal designed to give the finger to European elites.
And we talked with libertarian Republican Rep. Thomas Massie about how Trump wasn't elected dictator and it's well past time for Congress to assert its role as the first branch of government.
Those are just three of the dozens of podcasts we've produced over the past six weeks or so—and there are literally thousands more like them to come in the coming weeks, months, and years.
Never miss a podcast by subscribing to us at iTunes now and having our fast-paced, fact-filled conversations piped into your phone, computer, or tablet. We've got other options too:
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Just as Reason TV, which we launched with Drew Carey's inspiration and help in 2007, gave us a whole new way to reach people with news, commentary, analysis, and debate from a principled libertarian perspective, the podcast is a new space from which we can help build the next generation of freedom-loving dreamers, give loyal and long-time readers news and info, and help us learn more about the world around us too. Check it out, why don't you, and if you like it (and Reason.com) please think about giving us a fully tax-deductible donation. The 21st century may not have officially started yet (well, it hasn't by my count anyway) but it's gonna be a hell of a ride. And we want to help guide it in the right direction. We can do that with your help.