Election 2016

Hillary Clinton Fans Read Gawker, Trump Fans Read Men's Humor

Ted Cruz fans tend toward more traditional conservatives media while Bernie Sanders fans like Nerdist.


Hillary Clinton/Instagram

What can the reading habits of a presidential candidate's Twitter followers tell us? In comparing the media consumption choices of the top liberal and conservative candidates for 2016, we can see yet another reminder how atypical Donald Trump fans are for the Republican Party, as well as evidence that the fans of Sen. Bernie Sanders are some serious nerds. 

Compared to the Twitter average, followers of Sanders were especially likely to visit data-journalism site FiveThirtyEight, comics site The Oatmeal, and the blog Nerdist, according to a new analysis from DemographicsPro. Hillary Clinton followers were especially likely to read GawkerPolitico, and Jezebel.

Donald Trump followers are 12 times more likely than the Twitter average to read Men's Humor and 16 times more likely to read Fortune magazine. Followers of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich, meanwhile, are much more tuned into traditional conservative media, with Drudge Report, the National Review, and The Weekly Standard popular. 
