President François Hollande blamed the Islamic State for the terrorist attacks. Officials said Saturday night that the death toll had reached 129 victims, with 352 others injured, 99 of them seriously. Mr. Hollande declared three days of national mourning, and said that military troops would patrol the capital. France remained under a nationwide state of emergency.
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"It is an act of war that was committed by a terrorist army, a jihadist army, Daesh, against France," Mr. Hollande told the nation from the Élysée Palace, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State. "It is an act of war that was prepared, organized and planned from abroad, with complicity from the inside, which the investigation will help establish."
Mr. Hollande did not specify what intelligence pointed to the militant group's involvement. On Saturday, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attacks, but its claim could not be independently verified…..
Mr. Hollande vowed to "be unforgiving with the barbarians from Daesh," adding that France would act within the law but with "all the necessary means, and on all terrains, inside and outside, in coordination with our allies, who are, themselves, targeted by this terrorist threat."
At least one attacker has been linked to the wave of Syrian refugees:
A French security official said separately that one of the attackers had been linked to a Syrian passport. A Greek official had said earlier that the person carrying the passport had passed through Greece last month along the migrant trail into Europe.
The investigation has already extended beyond France:
The police raided a neighborhood in Brussels in connection with the Paris attacks, and made a number of arrests. A Greek official said that a Syrian passport used by a migrant who had passed through the island of Leros was found on a body at one of the attack sites. And in Germany, the police were exploring whether a man they arrested last week with weapons in his car and his GPS navigator set for Paris was linked to the attacks.