Civil Liberties

Man Helps Boy Retrieve Ball. Don't Worry, The Police Are Investigating.

What are they going to charge him with? Attempted kindness?



Alexandria, Virginia: In a world gone crazy with mandemonium (pandemonium sparked by seeing a man near a child), this all points bulletin may be a new low. Notice that while "at no time did the unknown man attempt to leave the area with the child," the police nonetheless give a detailed description of the suspect… er… Good Samaritan… er… suspect.  And they are looking for leads.

What are they going to charge him with? Attempted kindness?

Police Investigate Incident at Lyles-Crouch Elementary School

For Immediate release: May 20, 2015

The Alexandria Police Department is investigating an incident that occurred earlier today involving a six-year-old student at Lyles-Crouch Elementary, 530 S. Saint Asaph Street.

At approximately 10:15 a.m., a male student went to the edge of a fenced playground to retrieve a ball on the other side. The student was approached by an unknown man who lifted him over the fence to retrieve the ball. A teacher saw the child being picked up and challenged the stranger, at which point the man escorted the student to a fence opening to re-enter the playground. The unknown man then left the area. At no time did the unknown man attempt to leave the area with the child.

The man is described as a black male in his 60's, 6'0" tall, wearing a beige and green shirt and khakis.

The Criminal Investigations Section is continuing to investigate this incident. Anyone with any information is asked to call Detective Alma Zepeda…

Hat tip: Julie Gunlock, author of From Cupcakes to Chemicals