
Scott Walker Didn't Graduate From College a Quarter-Century Ago and The Washington Post Is On It!

Paper devotes 2,300 words to unmysterious 'mystery'


I guess Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker must be a serious 2016 presidential candidate, since he's already on the receiving end of 2,300-word Washington Post articles with ominous headlines like, "As Scott Walker mulls White House bid, questions linger over college exit."

So what are these presumably salacious questions? Uh, "why he never finished" college:

Some [friends] had heard that a parent had fallen ill, or maybe there was some financial strain. Others thought he had simply had enough of school.

Fascinating. What far-fetched theory does the governor cling to?

Walker's own explanation has been short and simple. He got a job. He meant to go back. But he just never found the time.

Right. So, um, I mean, has this been controversial to anyone, ever?

Walker's disappearance from campus became a mystery that his political rivals seized on. As recently as 2013, the state's Democrats were still alleging that he might have been kicked out for election-related misdeeds.

OK, now we're getting somewhere…or not: 

They dropped that after Marquette officials told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that Walker had left "in good standing."

So to sum up: Scott Walker didn't finish college a quarter-century ago, because he moved on to the next phase of his life. Nobody really cared, until desperate Democrats tried to make an issue out of it 2013, based on a claim that was quickly found to be bogus. And now we're gonna read 2,300 words about it.

Uh, any other important Walker news to break here, WashPost?

He still has not found the time to finish [college]. A spokeswoman for Walker's state office said he is interested in a new University of Wisconsin program — begun during Walker's tenure — that lets older students get academic credit for things they've learned in life. But he's not taking courses now.

THIS JUST IN: Man who left college 25 years ago still not attending! 

Reason on Scott Walker here.

UPDATE: I see from both the comments and Twitter that Howard Dean is actually trying to make Walker's lack of degree a political issue, saying "the issue is how well educated is this guy? And that's a problem." Why, it's almost as if they're trying to bait me to like the guy!