
Solved: The Case of the Corpse's Missing Watch (A Cop Stole It)


Minzoblate / Wikimedia Commons

Hey gang, it looks like we've got another mystery on our hands. Authorities discovered the body of a man in Detroit a few months back. He was wearing a fancy German-made watch, according to The Detroit News. The watch was stashed away in an evidence locker; the case itself went cold after Sgt. Alex Vinson, lead investigator, failed to even determine the identity of the man. Then the watch went missing!

After the case was re-opened, police discovered that the watch had been stolen from the evidence locker and replaced with a cheaper replica.

That mystery, at least, has been solved:

This week, while Vinson was in Idaho for advanced police training, fellow homicide detectives decided to reopen the case.

The detectives wanted to take another look at the watch — but when they removed the victim's belongings from the property room, the watch wasn't the same one that was photographed at the start of the case. Instead, it was a cheaper model, [Police Chief James] Craig confirmed.

Craig added the FBI helped police recover the watch, which Vinson was wearing during the training session. Vinson returned to Michigan Wednesday, and was read his Miranda rights by Internal Affairs officers.