Reason-Rupe Surveys

Reason-Rupe Poll August 18 Release




The Reason-Rupe August 2014 Poll interviewed 1,000 adults on both mobile (500) and landline (500) phones, including 291 respondents without landlines, from August 6-10, 2014 from the continental United States and the District of Columbia using live telephone interviews. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3.7%. For Form A respondents (n=500), the margin of error is +/- 5.2%. For Form B respondents (n=500), the margin of error is +/- 5.2%. Princeton Survey Research Associates International (PSRAI) conducted the survey. Interviews were done in English by Braun Research Incorporated. Statistical results are weighted to correct known demographic discrepancies. When feasible, answer choices within questions were rotated or randomized. For more methodological information, please visit

The poll questionnaire, crosstabs, and analysis can be found at

Don't know/Refused responses are voluntary.

Due to rounding, accumulated responses may not total 100%.

Responses less than 1% are denoted by a "*".

1.   Generally speaking, would you say things in this country are heading in the right direction or in the wrong direction?
Right direction 33%
Wrong direction 60%
Neither (VOL.) 3%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
2.  Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling his job as president? 
Approve 43%
Disapprove 52%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
3.  Do you approve or disapprove of the way Barack Obama is handling foreign policy?
Approve 37%
Disapprove 53%
Don't Know/Refused 10%
Total 100%
4.  Do you approve or disapprove of the job the U.S. Congress is doing?
Approve 18%
Disapprove 75%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
5.  When it comes to priorities, would you rather see Congress prioritize policies aimed at reducing income inequality OR policies aimed at promoting economic growth?)
Reduce income inequality 20%
Promote economic growth 74%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
6.  Do you think Barack Obama has expanded the power of the presidency too much, not enough, or has he not expanded the power of the presidency?
Too Much 42%
Not Enough 21%
Hasn't Expanded Presidential Power 30%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
READ TO ALL: Thinking about the next congressional elections that will be coming up later this year…
7.  Are you registered to vote in your precinct or election district or haven't you been able to register so far?
Yes, registered 82%
No, not registered 18%
Don't Know/Refused *%
Total 100%
8.  What are the chances that you will vote in the November midterm elections?
Absolutely certain to vote 55%
Very likely to vote 20%
Chances are 50/50 13%
Unlikely to vote 11%
Don't Know/Refused 1%
Total 100%
9.  If the election for the US House of Representatives were being held today, would you vote for the Republican candidate OR the Democratic candidate in your district? (ASKED OF LIKELY VOTERS)
Republican Party's Candidate 41%
Democratic Party's Candidate 42%
Don't Know 15%
Refused 2%
Total 100%
10.  Which of the following outcomes would you most want to see happen as a result of the Congressional elections being held later this year (2014)?… Republicans control Congress, Democrats control Congress, or neither Republicans nor Democrats control Congress? (ASKED OF LIKELY VOTERS)
Republicans control Congress 33%
Democrats control Congress 29%
Neither controls 34%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
Total 100%
11.  Of the following issues, which one would you say is MOST important to your vote for Congress this year?
The economy 33%
Immigration 13%
National security and foreign policy 13%
Health care 11%
Education 18%
Same-sex marriage 2%
Abortion 2%
The environment 4%
Other (VOL.) 1%
Not voting/Not registered (VOL.) 1%
Don't Know/Refused 1%
Total 100%
12.  What economic issue is most important to your vote this year? (ASKED OF LIKELY VOTERS)
Taxes 9%
The budget deficit 13%
Government spending 24%
Jobs 23%
The gap between rich and poor 23%
Regulations on business 6%
Other (VOL.) 1%
Don't Know/Refused <1%
Total 100%
READ TO ALL: Changing topics…
13.  When it comes to negotiating a long-term peace agreement between the Israelis and the Palestinians, do you think the United States should..?
Be more involved than it has been 21%
Be less involved 17%
Continue its current level of involvement 21%
Stay out of it entirely 36%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
14.  As you may know, some US citizens have contracted Ebola in Africa. How likely do you think an Ebola outbreak is in a US city?  Would you say it is…?
Very likely 11%
Somewhat likely 29%
Not too likely 34%
Not at all likely 22%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
READ TO ALL: Throughout its history, America has passed amendments to the U.S. Constitution. Recently there has been discussion of some new amendments.
15.  Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment that would give states the power to repeal a federal law or regulation if half of the state legislatures representing half the national population vote to repeal the law?
Favor 50%
Oppose 42%
Don't Know/Refused 8%
Total 100%
16.  Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment to allow the president to veto certain parts of a bill, including spending, without vetoing everything in the bill, also known as a line-item veto.
Favor 48%
Oppose 45%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
17.  Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment to require a balanced federal budget?
Favor 74%
Oppose 20%
Don't Know/Refused 5%
Total 100%
18.  Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment that allows Congress and state governments to regulate campaign contributions to and spending by candidates for office?
Favor 57%
Oppose 36%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
19. Suppose this amendment also allowed Congress and states to regulate activities by individuals and groups, such as blogging or publishing a book that support or oppose a political candidate. Would you favor the amendment, or would you oppose it?
Favor 15%
Oppose 75%
Don't Know/Refused 10%
Total 100%
20.  As you may know, Congress sometimes exempts itself and its members from some of the laws it passes. Would you favor or oppose a constitutional amendment that would require members of Congress be subject to ALL laws they pass?
Favor 84%
Oppose 13%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
21.  Do you think judges have interpreted the US Constitution in a way that gives the government more power than it should have, less power than it should have, or about the right amount of power?
More 47%
Less 9%
About the right amount 37%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
READ TO ALL: Now I'm going to read a few words that people sometimes use to describe young Americans between 18 and 29 years old. Please tell me how well you think each word describes young people (MILLENNIALS). 
22.  First, [Entitled]. Would you say this describes young people ages 18 to 29 very well, somewhat well, not too well, or not well at all?
Very well 28%
Somewhat well 37%
Not too well 17%
Not well at all 13%
Don't Know/Refused 5%
Total 100%
23.  Next, [Tolerant]. Would you say this describes young people ages 18 to 29 very well, somewhat well, not too well, or not well at all?
Very well 22%
Somewhat well 38%
Not too well 24%
Not well at all 14%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
24.  Next, [Hard Working]. Would you say this describes young people ages 18 to 29 very well, somewhat well, not too well, or not well at all?
Very well 16%
Somewhat well 39%
Not too well 29%
Not well at all 14%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
Total 100%
25.  Next, [Responsible]. Would you say this describes young people ages 18 to 29 very well, somewhat well, not too well, or not well at all?
Very well 10%
Somewhat well 45%
Not too well 28%
Not well at all 14%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
26.  Next, [Selfish]. Would you say this describes young people ages 18 to 29 very well, somewhat well, not too well, or not well at all?
Very well 35%
Somewhat well 36%
Not too well 16%
Not well at all 10%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
27.  Do you think the federal government needs to spend more money, less money or about the same about of money on transportation infrastructure?
More 46%
Less 21%
About the same 30%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
28.  Do you think the government spends existing transportation money efficiently or inefficiently?
Efficiently 21%
Inefficiently 73%
Don't Know/Refused 5%
Total 100%
29.  If you had to choose one, which of the following should be the top priority for transportation spending…?
Repairing existing and building new Highways and streets 55%
Repairing existing and building new Mass transit systems, including trains, subways and buses 38%
Repairing existing and building new Bicycle lanes and trails 5%
Don't Know/Refused 1%
Total 100%
30.  The federal gas tax is 18.4 cents per gallon. Do you favor or oppose raising the federal gas tax?
Favor 13%
Oppose 85%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
31.  Would you favor or oppose a plan to eliminate the gas tax and instead charge drivers a fee based on the number of miles they drive?
Favor 23%
Oppose 72%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
32.  To pay for repairing and expanding existing Interstate highways, would you rather raise the gas tax or pay tolls when you drive on them?
Raise gas tax 32%
Pay tolls 58%
Neither (VOL.) 8%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
33.  Which of the following best describes your current employment status?
Employed Full-Time 36%
Employed Part-Time 9%
Small business owner or self-employed 9%
Taking care of home and family 6%
Retired 22%
Student 8%
Unemployed 6%
Disabled (VOL.) 4%
Don't Know/Refused <1%
Total 100%
34.  Most days how do you get to work? (Asked of Employed)
By car 78%
Walking 3%
Riding a Bike 2%
Public transportation such as bus, rail, or subway 8%
Work from home most days 6%
Other (VOL.) 2%
Don't Know/Refused 0%
Total 100%
35.  Congress and the Transportation Security Administration recently increased the airport security fees that air travelers pay. Do you think giving the TSA more funding will make air travel…?
More safe 21%
Less safe 3%
Won't make a difference 74%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
36.  If a passenger tries to board an airplane with a gun, knife or bomb, how confident are you the TSA will find it. Are you…?
Very confident 24%
Somewhat confident 52%
Not too confident 14%
Not at all confident 9%
Don't Know/Refused *%
Total 100%
37.  Some airports are now using private security companies to hire, train and run airport security under federal supervision. When it comes to protecting passengers cost-effectively do you think private airport security companies will be…?
More cost effective than the TSA 31%
Less cost effective than the TSA 18%
About the same as the TSA 46%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
38.  How worried are you that terrorists might shoot down a passenger plane within the United States?  Are you…?
Very worried 15%
Somewhat worried 32%
Not too worried 32%
Not at all worried 20%
Don't Know/Refused *%
Total 100%
39.  Would you be willing to pay higher airline ticket prices to equip commercial airplanes with antimissile technology?
Yes 42%
No 54%
Don't Know/Refused 5%
Total 100%
READ TO ALL: Now, onto another subject…PARENTING
40.  In your opinion, should parents be allowed to let their [6 year old children] play at public parks unsupervised? Or should the law require they be supervised at public parks?
Unsupervised 14%
Require supervision 83%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
Total 100%
41.  In your opinion, should parents be allowed to let their [9 year old children] play at public parks unsupervised? Or should the law require they be supervised at public parks?
Unsupervised 28%
Require supervision 68%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
42.  In your opinion, should parents be allowed to let their [12 year old children] play at public parks unsupervised? Or should the law require they be supervised at public parks?
Unsupervised 53%
Require supervision 43%
Don't Know/Refused 5%
Total 100%
43.  Compared to when you were growing up, do kids today face more threats to their physical safety, fewer threats to their physical safety, or is it about the same?
More Threats 62%
Fewer Threats 7%
About the same 30%
Don't Know/Refused <1%
Total 100%
44.  Thinking about how the news media and political leaders talk about the threats to safety that children face in their day-to-day lives…Do you think threats to children's safety are usually over-estimated, usually under-estimated, or usually accurate?
Usually Overestimated 27%
Usually Underestimated 29%
Usually Accurate 41%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
Total 100%
Now, please tell me at what age should children be allowed to…
45.  Stay home alone? (ASKED OF FORM A)
Never <1%
Don't Know/Refused 1%
Total 100%
46.  Babysit younger children? (ASKED OF FORM A)
Never *%
Don't Know/Refused 1%
Total 100%
47.  Walk to and from school without an adult?
Never 1%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
48.  Wait in the car alone for 5 minutes on a cool day? (ASKED OF FORM A)
Never 5%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
Total 100%
(CONT.) …At what age should children be allowed to…
49.  Cook? (ASKED OF FORM B)
Never <1%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
50. Mow the lawn? (ASKED OF FORM B)
Never <1%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
51.  Have a part-time job? (ASKED OF FORM B)
Never <1%
Don't Know/Refused <1%
Total 100%
52.  Play in front of the house unsupervised?
Never 1%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
Total 100%
53.  Do you think all kids who play sports should receive a trophy for their participation, or should only the winning players be awarded trophies?
All kids get trophy 40%
Only winning players 57%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
Total 100%
Would you say you have a very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable, or very unfavorable opinion of the following words and phrases…
55.  Socialism
Very favorable 9%
Mostly favorable 26%
Mostly Unfavorable 27%
Very Unfavorable 31%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
56. Capitalism
Very favorable 22%
Mostly favorable 33%
Mostly Unfavorable 21%
Very Unfavorable 17%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
57.  Free Market System
Very favorable 28%
Mostly favorable 41%
Mostly Unfavorable 13%
Very Unfavorable 8%
Don't Know/Refused 9%
Total 100%
58.  Government-managed economy
Very favorable 6%
Mostly favorable 25%
Mostly Unfavorable 31%
Very Unfavorable 35%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
59.   In just a few words, how would you define socialism?
Government Control 20%
Equality/Sharing 8%
Govt Taking Care of/Helping People 7%
Redistribution/Makers v Takers/Handouts 7%
Working Together/For the People 3%
Being Social/Getting Along 3%
Communism/Similar to 2%
Associated w/ Leaders/Dictator 2%
To Each According to Needs/Capacity 1%
Govt Control of Health Care 1%
Favor it/It Works 2%
Against It/Doesn't Work 9%
Other 5%
Don't Know What Socialism Is 25%
Refused 2%
Total 100%
READ TO ALL: Next…as I read the following pairs of statements, please tell me which comes closer to your own opinion.
60.   Please tell me which comes closer to your own opinion…
"We need a strong government to handle today's complex economic problems" 40%
"People would be better able to handle today's problems within a free market with less government involvement." 56%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
61.   Some people think the government (should promote traditional values in our society.) Others think the government (should not favor any particular set of values.) Which comes closer to your own view?
Government should promote traditional        values 47%
Government should not favor any particular set of values 49%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
62. If you had to choose, would you rather have a smaller government providing fewer services, or a bigger government providing more services?
Smaller government providing fewer services 54%
Larger government providing more services 42%
Don't Know/Refused 5%
Total 100%
Male 49%
Female 51%
Total 100%
64.  AGE
18-24 13%
25-34 16%
35-44 16%
45-54 18%
55-64 17%
65+ 17%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
65.  In politics today, do you consider yourself a:
Republican 23%
Democrat 33%
Independent (Includes Leaners) 35%
Something Else 6%
Don't Know/Refused 3%
Total 100%
66.  Party Identification (DERIVED, Independent Leaners Sorted)
Democrat 33%
Independent-Lean Democrat 15%
Independent  (Excludes Leaners) 11%
Independent-Lean Republican 14%
Republican 23%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
67.  Thinking about your overall political philosophy, would you describe yourself as:
Conservative 31%
Moderate 25%
Liberal 18%
Libertarian 5%
Progressive 7%
Or something else? 9%
Don't Know/Refused 4%
Total 100%
68.  Do you consider yourself to be a supporter of the Tea Party movement, or not?
Supporter 23%
Not a supporter 69%
Don't Know/Refused 8%
Total 100%
69.  What is the highest level of school you have completed or the highest degree you have received?
High school or less 40%
Some college 32%
College 16%
Post-Grad 11%
Don't Know/Refused 1%
Total 100%
70.  Are you the parent or guardian of any children under 18 now living in your household?
Yes 27%
No 73%
Don't Know/Refused <1%
Total 100%
71.  Race/Ethnicity
White 66%
African-American 11%
Hispanic 14%
Other 7%
Don't Know/Refused 2%
Total 100%
72.  What is your household income category?
<$30,000 24%
$30,000 but less than $45,000 16%
$45,000 but less than $60,000 14%
$60,000 but less than $75,000 14%
$75,000 but less than $90,000 9%
$90,000 but less than $110,000 7%
$110,000 but less than $150,000 5%
$150,000 but less than $250,000 2%
$250,000 or more 2%
Don't Know/Refused 7%
Total 100%
73.  Region
Northeast 18%
Midwest 22%
South 37%
West 23%
Total 100%
74.  Community Type
Rural 20%
Suburban 45%
Urban 35%
Total 100%