Ron Paul

Ron Paul on the CIA & Ukraine; Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo on Cutting Government, Plus Two Minutes Hate!


While The Independents enjoys its night off (though make sure you tune in the same bat-channel for Stossel!), here are three recent segments of potential interest (for a fuller list of video, go to the show website). First up from last night, Ron Paul talks about Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the CIA, spying, Ukraine, Russia, Vladimir Putin, Crimea, secession, and more:

Mediaite's Noah Rothman and the Washington Times both had some thoughts about that interview. Next up from Monday, Guam Gov. Eddie Calvo talks about the far-flung U.S. territory's fiscal turnaround:

Finally, Bernie Maxsmith is back from last night, with some Reason-comments-tastic Two Minutes Hate: