Inmates Are Signing Up to ACA — Obamacare Roundup
For health benefits once they're released
The latest news on Obamacare: Prisoners are taking advantage of the Obamacare Medicaid expansion.
Previous news on Obamacare:
A national union has slammed Obamacare as a program that will lead to lower wages and more income inequality.
The Obama administration has, as expected, allowed insurance companies to continue to offer plans that are not compliant with Obamacare. The companies can now wait until 2016 before canceling the non-compliant plans.
The White House is expected to announce another Obamacare-related delay, this time allowing insurance companies to continue offering non-Obamacare compliant insurance plans. Without the delay, there would be a new round of plan cancellations.
Health insurers stand to lose $5.5 billion in 2015 from participating in the Affordable Care Act programs. President Barack Obama proposed in his budget plan released March 4 covering the losses with federal funds.
The House is set to vote on ending Obamacare' individual mandate penalty for 2014 this week.
The vote will only be one piece of Obamacare-related news to come out in the coming days. Three health industry conferences are being held this week, and President Obama is expected to release his fiscal year 2015 budget proposal.
Related previous coverage from Reason:
Peter Suderman on the uninsured liking Obamacare less and less, Obamacare's failed state exchanges, and's cloud computer system costing fives times as much as expected.
J.D. Tuccille on how those who take specialty drugs for complex conditions and sign up for one of the Obamacare exchange health plans will likely be paying more than they used to.
More from Reason on Obamacare here.