
Everyone Hates Congress



Just about everyone hates our federal legislative branch. And the general distaste for our elected lawmakers extends more or less equally to both parties. 

From Politico's report on the new CNN/ORC poll:

A new CNN/ORC International poll finds two-thirds of Americans saying Congress is the least productive in their lifetime, with 73 percent saying lawmakers have done nothing to address the nation's problems.

…Democrats and Republicans share the blame almost equally: 52 percent of those surveyed believe the policies of congressional Democrats will move the U.S. in the wrong direction, while 54 percent say the same thing about the policies of congressional Republicans.

In general, this has not been a good year for politicians who want to be loved by the public. In November, Congressional approval ratings hit a record low. And while they are up a little since then, they're still pretty dismal, with 80 percent disapproving and 13 percent approving, according to the RealClearPolitics poll tracker

President Obama is doing significantly better. But he's not exactly winning over the people, either. RCP's poll tracker has his approval rating average at 42.4 percent, with 53.8 percent disapproving.