Shooting at LAX Airport, Birth Control Mandate Struck Down, Drone Strike in Pakistan: P.M. Links


  • You can always buy it yourself.
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    A gunman opened fire at Los Angeles International Airport. Information is still sketchy in the media, but reports say a TSA agent was killed. The gunman has been reported both in custody and dead and several others were injured.

  • A federal appeals court has struck down the mandate that health insurance provided by employers must cover birth control.
  • Nasdaq is having more tech problems, which shut down trading today.
  • A U.S. drone strike in Pakistan has killed a Taliban leader, which may well sabotage peace efforts between Pakistan and the terrorist group.
  • More part-time college professors are joining unions, which will help inflate that education bubble quite nicely.
  • Turn your clocks back an hour on Sunday because the government told you to.

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