
It's a Head Scratcher: Who's In Charge at the White House?

President Obama's approval ratings at a new low


Barack Obama's approval ratings hit a new low of 42 percent in the latest NBC/WSJ polling as the president appears increasingly aloof about what's going on around him.

From NBC News:

President Barack Obama's seemingly hands-off management style is raising fresh questions and concerns that could upend his second-term legacy.

Claims by the administration and other Democrats that Obama didn't know about sensitive matters in his own administration—such as problems with the health care website and revelations of National Security Agency surveillance on foreign leaders—have many in Washington scratching their heads.

It all fits as part of a pattern. Who is in control? Who is running things? There are a lot of questions," said Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who helps conduct the NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll, which Wednesday showed Obama's approval rating dropping to an all-time low.

The buck stops, somewhere else.

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