
Boehner Backs Obama's Push For Strikes Against Syria



If President Obama takes the nation to war in Syria, it will be with the support of House Republican leadership.

The Obama administration is reportedly making a big push to convince Congress to approve military force in Syria. And it looks like that effort is already paying off: Today, GOP House Speaker John Boehner said he supports the president's call for a strike against Bashar al Assad's regime, and he strongly urged fellow Republicans to do the same.

Via TPM:

President Barack Obama's push to retaliate militarily against Syria took a major step forward Tuesday after securing a forceful endorsement from House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH). Boehner's remarks in favor of intervening to punish the regime's alleged use of chemical weapons dramatically alter the politics in Congress as it gears up for the debate.

"The use of chemical weapons is a barbarous act," Boehner told reporters after meeting with the president and congressional leaders at the White House. "This is something that the United States as a country needs to do. I'm going to support the president's call for action. I believe my colleague should support this call for action."

"I appreciate the president reaching out to me and my colleagues in the Congress over the last couple of weeks. I also appreciate the president asking the Congress to support him in this action," the Speaker said. His remarks were backed by his deputy, Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), who also announced his support for Obama's mission shortly after the morning meeting at the White House.

With top Democrats in both the House and the Senate firmly behind the president, this means that of congressional leadership, only the GOP's Senate Minority Leader, Mitch McConnell, remains uncommitted.

"While we are learning more about his plans, Congress and our constituents would all benefit from knowing more about what it is he thinks needs to be done — and can be accomplished — in Syria and the region," McConnell said following a White House meeting with the president.