
Louisiana Cops Profit from Red Light Cameras

They set up a company to "review" tickets


Police officers in New Orleans, Louisiana filled their own pockets with red light camera cash by setting up a private company to "review" photo citations off the official clock. The city's inspector general, E. R. Quatrevaux, on Friday released a report documenting how Edwin Hosli, the New Orleans Police Department's (NOPD) 8th District commander, formed his own limited liability company called Anytime Solutions to take advantage of the lucrative business opportunity.

Over a four-and-a-half month period in 2010, Hosli pulled down $7420 from the arrangement for himself. The inspector general released documents not included in the report that show Hosli and several other officers overbilled ACS by $9075. Hosli's share of that was $2055, according to the documents.

"It is against NOPD policy for an Officer to form an LLC for the purpose of managing a detail," Quatrevaux wrote. "It is also an ethics violation for a city of New Orleans employee to contract with the city of New Orleans."