NSA Also Passed Info Along to Brits, IRS Officials Knew About Targeting in 2010, Cory Booker to Finally Declare Senate Candidacy: P.M. Links
(NSA logo)
NSA Logo The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is asking Congress to begin hearings to determine whether the NSA's surveillance program is actually legal as the government claims.
- The NSA has also reportedly shared the information it has collected with the British government.
- Meanwhile, in the midst of all this attention on leaks and surveillance, Pfc. Bradley Manning's trial for providing classified military data to WikiLeaks goes on.
- An e-mail mistake back in 2010 actually let some officials at the IRS office in D.C. know that Cincinnati agents were putting Tea Party nonprofit groups under extra scrutiny. That's earlier than the IRS claims it knew.
- Cory Booker will probably announce his Senate bid this weekend, weather permitting.
- Spain is looking to cut back on solar subsidies, which may end up screwing over many of its less-than-wealthy investors.
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