Civil Liberties

Williams-Sonoma Concedes Victory to Terrorists, Pulls Pressure Cookers From Shelves



In what can only be described as a posthumous victory for raging asshole Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Williams-Sonoma, the (absolutely amazing) kitchen-stuff company, has pulled pressure cookers--which the Tsarnaevs built into bombs--from shelves in Massachusetts. Patch reports

Following the Boston Marathon bombing last Monday in which pressure cookers were used for the explosion, the cookware giant has decided to temporarily stop selling the items in their Massachusetts stores.

"It's a temporary thing out of respect," said Kent, who is the Store Manager of the Williams-Sonoma at the Natick Mall. He referred Patch to corporate for further questions. Williams-Sonomaalso has a local branch at Legacy Place in Dedham.

Pressure cookers will still be available on the Williams-Sonoma website.

What's next, a self-imposed ban on the sale of backwards baseball caps?