Attn, Michigan/Ohio/Indiana Reasonoids: Nick Gillespie Talking Generational Warfare at Hillsdale 3/19


On March 19, I'll be speaking at Hillsdale College in Michigan on the topic of generational warfare.

Here are the details:

What: A talk by Nick Gillespie titled, "Tonight You're Young, Tomorrow You're Unemployed: How the Baby Boomer Generation is Stealing the Future from Today's Kids"

When: Tuesday, March 19, 8PM ET

Where: Rooms A&B, the Dow Conference Center, 22 E Galloway Drive, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, MI 49242

RSVPs are not necessary but if you have questions, please contact John J. Miller.

Hillsdale is about 90 miles west of Detroit, 70 miles northwest of Toledo, 70 miles south of Lansing, 70 miles southwest of Ann Arbor, etc.

Hope to see you there!

Some relevant reading:

"Hey Kids, Tonight You're Young, Tomorrow You're Unemployed: The Grammys, Obama's State of the Union, and What's Really Wrong with Today's Youth."

"Generational Warfare: Old-Age Entitlements vs. the safety net."

"The Real Class Warfare is Baby Boomers vs. Younger Americans: Hey Kids, Mom and Dad are Screwing You."