New Congressional Copyright Chief is a Hollywood Ally
So get ready for more stupid laws
The outgoing chairman of a House of Representatives panel responsible for U.S. copyright law conceived the memorable Stop Online Piracy Act. Its next chairman happens to be even more enthusiastic about expanding digital copyright law.
Rep. Bob Goodlatte was elected head of the House Judiciary committee today, much to the dismay of advocacy groups that had doggedly worked to defeat SOPA and Protect IP a year ago.
The Virginia Republican has long been a steadfast ally of Hollywood and other large copyright holders, saying as recently as two months ago that "I remain committed to enacting strong copyright laws." In a press release last year, Goodlatte said he was supporting SOPA because the legislation -- which was withdrawn in the face of an unprecedented Internet protest -- would "protect American jobs" and prevent American babies from dying after drinking "counterfeit" baby formula.