
NFIB: Obamacare Forces Employers To Scrutinize Workers

Gotta make sure offered insurance is "affordable" by employees, right?


Employers shouldn't think they're safe from Obamcare just because they already offer insurance, a 350,000-member small business group warns.

As National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) Director, Federal Public Policy Amanda Austin explains:

"Under the employer mandate provision, there is something called the affordability standard or otherwise known as the 'mini firewall.' Employers that are offering coverage and think they are not affected by the employer mandate should think again.

"This firewall allows employees to jump from their employer plan [to the new exchanges] if they pay more than 9.5% of their total household income for their share of the premium. Typically employers do not have access to what employees' total household income looks like and therein lays the madness."