Voting Irregularities Add Spice to Contentious Election
Machines that switch votes, robo-calls with misleading information ...
VoteTracker: Here is a partial look at reported incidents of voter registration and election irregularities, with links to full stories on the issue.
Nov. 6 — PENNSYLVANIA — Provisional ballots galore in Philadelphia. Large numbers of registered North and West Philadelphia voters are not being shown on the city's books and are being asked to cast provisional ballots, election workers and observers tell Philadelphia CityPaper. The problems followed reports that election officials had not processed up to 20,000 voter registrations just two weeks before the vote. Read the full article.
Nov. 6 — COLORADO — A Romney-to-Obama voting machine? The state's secretary of state is investigating after a dozen complaints that a voting machine in Pueblo changed as many as 12 voters to Barack Obama, KRDO is reporting. The county clerk said the problem has affected choices for both presidential candidates. See the full story.