
Nearly 40 Percent of Chicago Teachers Don't Send Kids to Public Schools

If it wasn't already clear it was just a hustle


The Chicago teachers' strike is an awkward dinner conversation between President Barack Obama and his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel.   Many of the policy prescriptions in the new Chicago teachers' contract designed to create more accountability are supported by the Obama administration.

As the Chicago teachers' strike continues, we've learned that they make $71-76,000 a year and they turned down a 16% pay increase, which amounts to $11,360.  They work nine months out of the year, but say that this strike is benefits oriented.  However, given that ABC World News didn't even air this story last Sunday and most of the media, with the exception of CBS, failing to mention the compensation statistics in their broadcast – suffice to say that the  media will probably ignore the fact that almost 40% of Chicago's public school teachers send their kids to private schools.