White House Doesn't Dispute Navy Seal's Account of Osama bin Laden Raid
Though it contradicts some of the official story
The White House is not directly refuting a Navy SEAL account of the raid that killed Osama bin Laden even though it contradicts some of the details the Obama administration provided in the days following the successful mission.
In a new book, "No Easy Day," a retired SEAL who was involved in the raid describes details that differ with the way administration officials told the story in the heady days following the mission, including that bin Laden was unarmed when he was shot by SEAL Team 6. The author used the pen name "Mark Owen," but his real identity and name, Matt Bissonette, have since leaked out. Mr. Bissonette is scheduled to appear on CBS's "60 Minutes" on Sunday.
When asked about the apparent contradictions, White House spokesman Jay Carney said some of the information coming out in the immediate aftermath of the raid was "incomplete" and the White House subsequently provided clarification.