Gary Johnson Has Another Ballot Access Issue
Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson has another ballot access issue to deal with, this time in Pennsylvania. Johnson, who was reached by phone before boarding a plane for Philadelphia, said that his campaign found out Tuesday morning that his paperwork for the state was deemed invalid by officials. Johnson was short on specifics but he said that he needed to go in person to solve the problem.
'"If you don't dot the 'I's' and cross the 'T's' they'll disqualify your papers," he said by phone.
Johnson said that the paperwork was sent by FedEx from Texas over the weekend and that it arrived Tuesday in the Keystone State, where it was promptly rejected.
According to a source with the campaign it did not have what's called an apostille, which is a special form of certification for documents.
"I'll get into Philly at about 1 a.m. and in the morning I'll fill out the papers correctly. Then I'll get back on a plane and head home," Johnson said Tuesday afternoon.
An attempt to reach the Pennsylvania Bureau of Commissions, Elections and Legislation was unsuccessful.