
New York Gets More Big Brothery, the Metaphor Police Are Here, Google Gets Huge Fine: P.M. Links


  • A surveillance partnership between police and Microsoft will allow authorities to track down and smack the Big Gulps right out of New Yorkers' hands.

  • An Oregon man began serving a 30-day jail term for creating reservoirs on his property to collect rain water and snow runoff in violation of a 1925 law.
  • Google will pay $22.5 million, the FTC's biggest fine ever levied, for tracking Safari browser users who had opted out of their cookies.
  • Metaphors: How do they work? An Occupy protestor in Pennsylvania stood outside a bank with a sign warning customers they were "being robbed" due to corrupt bank behavior. Police arrested him for attempted bank robbery.
  • Immigration checks in Arizona could restart as the impact of the recent Supreme Court decision filters back down into the state.
  • It's all Mesopotamia's fault! A new study from Washington State University shows that dams may contribute to greenhouse gases.
  • You may now braid hair in Utah without a permit. Just wait until somebody puts an eye out and sues and then you'll all be sorry!

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