New Remy Video to Debut Tonight, Nick Gillespie to Appear on Fox Business' Stossel Show, 10pm ET!
We're excited to announce that a brand-new music video by international Internet sensation Remy will debut tonight on a very special (to us!) episode of Stossel.
The video is called "Missing You: The Incandescent Light Bulb Song" and it pays homage to the soon-to-departed 100-watt light bulb.
Starting in January 2012, such bulbs will no longer be available. By 2014 all conventional incandescent light bulbs will have effectively been declared verboten, to be replaced by much-more expensive products that have demonstrably failed to capture market share when consumers have a choice.
Stossel is hosted by news legend John Stossel and airs on Fox Business at 10pm ET on Thursday nights; it is rebroadcast on Saturday and Sunday night at 9pm ET. Tonight's episode explores the unintended consequences of all sorts of government policies and I will be in the studio discussing how the light bulb ban is both an incursion into consumer freedom and unlikely to lead to significant reductions in energy use or greenhouse gas emissions. Other guests include budget expert Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, the libertarian-leaning Republican presidential candidate. For more details about the show, go here.
For more information on Remy, go to his website here.
Watch all of Remy's Reason videos - including the classics "The Occupy Wall Street Protest Song," "Raise the Debt Ceiling Rap," "Do the TSA Pokey Pokey," and "Why They Fought" - by clicking on the playlist below.