Hot For Teacher-Criminalizing Sex Between Legal Adults?! Nanny of the Month (November 2011)
This month's nannies include drug warriors who are hyping fears about "digital" drugs (i.e. not actual physical substances) and fat warriors who are using a talking plate (introducing Mandometer!) to pester chubby folks into eat properly.
But this month's top dishonors go to the Wolverine State pol whose so-called "Hot for Teacher" bill could end up criminalizing sex between consenting adults of legal age.
Presenting's Nanny of the Month for November 2011: Michigan State Sentator Roger Kahn!
Approximately 1.40 minutes.
"Nanny of the Month" is written and produced by Ted Balaker. Opening animation by Meredith Bragg.
Go here to watch previous Nanny of the Month episodes.
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