
Does Anyone Else Remember Newt Gingrich's ad with Nancy Pelosi About Climate Change?


For those who have forgotten that Newt Gingrich is an opportunistic changeling, travel back to a simpler America (2008), when the former speaker teamed up with The Climate Reality Project to create a public service announcement that would make a grown Indian cry.

This ad is part of the "We Can Solve It" global warming ad campaign sponsored by former Vice President Al Gore's Alliance for Climate Protection.

It is no secret that Nancy Pelosi and Newt Gingrich don't always see eye to eye, but they do agree that on the issue of climate change, we must take action now.

Please join more than one million others who know it will take all of us coming together to solve the climate crisis.

From the YouTube account of Cardsplayer4life, which has a Steve-O (from Jackass) vid at top of channel right now.