
Who Are the 14 Percent of Americans That Think Congress Is A-Ok?


In a recent Washington Post poll, only 14 percent of Americans said that they approve of how Congress is handling its business. Who are these people? Further questioning reveals that they are:

(a) Obstructionist Republican die-hards:

"It's easy to say [lawmakers] should compromise," said Sherran Whatley, 73, who lives in Washington state. "But if you do that, you're not standing for what you believe in. When it comes to politics, and when it comes to a time when we're in such dire straits, there are lines to be drawn."

(b) Blame themselves:

Massachusetts resident Brenda Macdonald, 69,…said she doesn't like what she hears out of Washington. But, she added, lawmakers can hardly be blamed. After all, she said, the people elected them.

"You reap what you sow," she said. "Maybe we deserve it."

Or (c) Have no idea what is going on:

"I'm not really up on Congress. I have no qualms with them," said Roxanne Kidwell, 58.

The Reason-Rupe poll found similarly dismal results for Congress.