
American Public Sends Hilarious and Sad $80 Million In Voluntary Donations to Help Pay Down $14 Trillion Debt


A sad story in today's Washington Post of soft-hearted citizens who have been sending a stream of pathetically tiny donations to the federal government since 1961 to help pay down the debt. Utterly futily, as it happens:

A stream of checks, cash and even gold coins is pouring into a post office box in West Virginia where, for years, people who want to help pay down the national debt have been able to send gifts. 

"I love my country. I don't want it in debt like this. I don't want it having a financial crisis," said Jane Olive, a retired teacher in Las Vegas who sent $100 to the PO box this month 

"The gifts go toward funding the federal government, not to pay off the debt," said Mckayla Braden, a spokeswoman for the Bureau of the Public Debt.

Reason.tv on debt ceiling debate malarkey: