
Tyler Cowen on The Declaration of Independents: "This is the up-to-date statement of libertarianism"


Excerpt from the Marginal Revolutionary's mini-review:

This book is a excellent 2011 statement of what libertarianism should be, though I would say the title is more descriptive of the content than is the subtitle.  It's well written throughout, smart to focus on the areas where libertarianism is strongest, and remarkably for an "ideological" book it never ventures into the absurd or makes indefensible claims.

It stresses government as a dysfunctional institution which forces too much bundling, too little choice, and too little real accountability.  It explains why the dynamics of political power are so difficult to avoid.  It recognizes the numerous ways in which we are freer than in times past and it stresses the cultural dimensions of both recent progress and libertarian thought.  It reads like a book which is much smarter for having read blogs written by people of opposing points of view (just my speculation). […]

This is the up-to-date statement of libertarianism.  Not warmed-over right-wing politics, but real, true-blooded libertarianism in the sense of loving liberty and wanting to find a new path toward human flourishing.

Whole thing here.

So whaddya waiting for? Pre-order The Declaration of Independents: How Libertarian Politics Can Fix What's Wrong with America today!

Bonus Tyler Cowen interview with Reason.tv: