
Glenn Reynolds, Richard Vedder Talk Higher Education Bubble on InstaVision


Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds talks with Ohio University economist Richard Vedder about the higher education bubble. Vedder is a longtime analyst of higher ed trends and the coauthor of a recent study finding college grads are filling many jobs that don't require higher education.

Vedder argues that "there are simply too many kids going to college" given current labor-market demands. He does grant that going to college can be fun and rewarding regardless of post-graduation outcomes, but stresses that there's no way the government should be floating as much free and cheap money into grants, loans, and the like. And there's little question that one of the reasons (not all but one) college costs keep going up is the heavy subsidy from such dollars.

Whether you agree with him or not, this is a great conversation to horn in on. About 12 minutes. Click on the image above to watch.

Reason on edjumication, both higher and lower.

Back in 2009, Reason's Matt Welch interviewed Dr. Prof. Vedder about why college costs so damn much. Have a look: