
My Esteemed Opponent Wants to Kill Your Pet With Nazi-Style Gas Chambers


My favorite campaign ad so far comes from the Illinois governor's race. I don't care who wins, but I want to see more ads like this one, in which one of two cartoonishly Irish-named candidates (Brady and Quinn) is blasted for supporting the mass "euthanization" of puppy dogs and rubber ducks:

Politifact writes:

Quinn's stark ad is right that the bill was sponsored two days after the primary but it incorrectly suggests that it was Brady's first act after winning. Quinn is close on the substance of what the bill would have done. But the ad oversteps somewhat in suggesting that the bill would have required mass euthanizations, rather than just allowing them, and it glosses over the fact that Brady dropped his sponsorship and that the bill has been moot for most of this year. On balance, we rate the claim Half True.

More here.