Tony Robbins: Forget What I Said Before; We're All Doomed
Anthony Robbins, the horse-jawed success coach and motivational speaker, puts aside optimism to tell his followers a gloomy tale of the Coming Economic Collapse.
It's "winter" in America, Robbins advises in this two-part video highlighted by's Michael Snyder. Robbins suggests it might be time to "take some stuff that you've made investments in off the table, and out of the stock market, especially if they're in manufacturing, retail or banking or, God forbid, in the areas of home building or housing."
Simile of the day: "The baby boom generation is like a pig going through a snake."
In part two, the Awaken The Giant Within author suggests it may be time to clean up the substance abuser within, likening overleveraged Americans to addicts going through a painful but necessary detox:
Or as a great man named Tim Cavanaugh once said, "Injecting more debt into the deflating housing balloon is like trying to drink yourself sober."
Snyder is down with Robbins' message, and lists a dozen pieces of a supporting evidence. I think it's Robbins' finest performance since Shallow Hal, and I'm happy the popular peak performance coach is cutting through the governmedia's pettifoggery about stock market strength, nascent recoveries, and how the economy will jump start if we can just get banks lending again. Right on, Tony! Until I started using your technology I was just a big loser with a self-esteem problem, but look at me now!