
Rush vs. Rand Paul


That's Canadian prog-rock trio—and Ayn Rand enthusiasts—Rush, whose attorney has sent a cease-and-desist letter to Republican senatorial hopeful Rand Paul over his use of the band's songs during campaign stops. The Louisville Courier-Journal has the details:

[Robert] Farmer, general counsel for the Anthem Entertainment Group Inc. in Toronto, which is Rush's record label, has sent a letter to Paul campaign officials informing them that they have violated copyright laws -- and urging them to stop."This is not a political issue -- this is a copyright issue," Farmer said in an interview. "We would do this no matter who it is."…

Jesse Benton, Paul's campaign manager, said in an e-mail: "The background music Dr. Paul has played at events is a non-issue. The issues that matter in this campaign are cutting out-of-control deficits, repealing Obama Care and opposing cap and trade."

He did not say if the campaign would stop using the band's music.

Obligatory Rush video below: