
Boston Braces For Anti-Smoking Tooth Fairy Fetish Porn in Convenience Stores


Remember those anti-soda ads depicting fat over ice that cropped up in Big Apple subway cars last year? Massachusetts has taken up the baton and is considering gross you out for your own good campaign of their own, but in this case the state is mandating that stores place anti-smoking ads everywhere that cigarettes are sold.

Images of ominously darkened lungs, damaged brains, and diseased teeth could start appearing before the end of the year in more than 9,000 convenience stores, pharmacies, and gas stations, if a proposal by the state Department of Public Health is approved as expected. Other posters would direct smokers to where they can get help to stamp out their habit.

Retailers who refuse to display the signs within 2 feet of tobacco displays and cash registers could face fines of $100 to $300.

And where'd they get the idea? New York, of course:

The signs are modeled on a nothing-left-to-the-imagination campaign in New York City, where signs showing the health effects of smoking began sprouting in 11,500 shops last December. Massachusetts health authorities provided copies of the New York City posters as an illustration of what their campaign will look like.

Who's paying for the campaign and the printing costs? Everyone!

The campaign is being underwritten by $316,000 in federal stimulus money from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which will allow the state to provide the materials to retailers without charge. Because the posters will be produced by outside vendors, a spokeswoman for the state Department of Public Health said, it conforms to the intent of the stimulus law, providing jobs in a sour economy.

Enjoy a childrens' gallery—one targeted at adults—of blackened lungs, ruined teeth, and brain scans in anti-smoking ads here.

Via Sometimes Right.