
Why Peter Jennings Hated John Stossel; How to Get Tix For Stossel's New Show


This is the first week for John Stossel's new Fox Business Channel show, which is called…Stossel and is slotted to air on Thursdays at 8p.m. I'm proud to be among the first guests and look below for info on how to get tickets for the program's audience.

But first, some great moments from a Daily Beast interview with "the mustachioed Stossel" whom ABC said in its press release announcing his move to FBC "has engaged and occasionally enraged our audience with thought-provoking questions and analysis."

He enraged not only the audience over the years, but also many at the network—notably the late Peter Jennings, who believed Stossel's brand of libertarian advocacy journalism was a blot on the ABC escutcheon.  Jennings refused even to look at him when they passed in the halls. "Peter felt he was upholding the objectivity of ABC and I was violating that, I was bad for ABC," Stossel tells The Daily Beast in an exclusive interview….

The first [show's main topic] will be…Atlas Shrugged…because I think 50 years ago, Ayn Rand predicted today….Big government, nice-sounding legislation like "The Preservation of Livelihood Law," which mandated that Hank Rearden's production must not be bigger than any other steel mill, to make it a level playing field. It's silly….it's what Wesley Mouch,  the evil bureaucrat in the book, passed.  And what Tim Geithner and what Barney Frank might like to pass….

People acting in their own self-interest is the fuel for all the discovery, innovation, and prosperity that powers the world….Gordon Gekko describes a world the way a socialist bureaucrat sees it: Wealth is a static pie and rich people grab the biggest share. But that's a child's view of the way the world works. I make speeches arguing the opposite. Wealth is created. When entrepreneurs are free to compete, they grow the pie so that everyone's share gets larger….

Drugs, prostitution, steroids for athletes [should all be legal]. If Major League Baseball wants to have a no-steroid rule, fine. But it's none of Congress' business. If we want to have a National Steroid League football games, and they're consenting adults, that's fine. I'm happy if states legislate different limits, 18, 16, 21, different things, but certainly by 21, we should own our own bodies.

Read the whole thing here.

If you want to be part of the studio audience for that show or other tapings, you can email Stosseltix@foxnews.com or call 877-369-8587.

The current taping schedule and topics: 

When: Tuesday, December 8th
Topic:  Atlas Shrugged and Its Meaning Today
Where: Fox Studios, 133 West 47th Street
Time: 1:00 p.m.

When: Thursday, December 10th
Topic:  Global Warming and the Environment
Time: 10:00 a.m.

When: Thursday, December 17th
Topic:  Health Care
Time: 10:00 a.m.