Yesterday Brian Doherty blogged about the eternal recurrence of the third party. Meanwhile over at, they're running a running mate poll for 2012. (The poll doesn't specify whether we are talking about a major party run or a third party run.)
The list is pretty dispiriting, simply as a catalog of prominent libertarian/libertarian-friendly/libertarian-tolerant politicos (although several on the list may not even meet those basic criteria).
For a fun bonus activity, tally up the number of truthers and/or birthers on the list in the comments section.
If Ron Paul runs for President in 2012, who should be his running mate?
Adam Kokesh
Rand Paul
Michael Badnarik
John McCain
Lew Rockwell
Michele Bachmann
Mitt Romney
Alan Grayson
Michael Bloomberg
Cynthia McKinney
Jim DeMint
Pat Buchanan
Jesse Ventura
Sarah Palin
Gary Johnson
Mel Watt
Mark Sanford
Glenn Beck
Mike Huckabee
Alex Jones
Dennis Kucinich
Andrew Napolitano
Chuck Hagel
Wayne Allyn Root
Lou Dobbs
Other (specify below)
Peter Schiff
Chuck Baldwin
FYI: At the moment, Andrew Napolitano and Peter Schiff are the front runners.