
Mitterrand Gets Polanski'd


Frederic, nephew of Francois, is the culture minister of France. He was an early supporter of Roman Polanski in the filmmaker's recent extradition case. He also enjoys traveling to Thailand to have sex with boys. Whoops!

In his 2005 autobiography, My Bad Life, the former TV presenter, intellectual and all round national treasure, describes in sweaty detail how how 'he got into the habit of paying for boys …The profusion of young, very attractive and immediately available boys put me in a state of desire that I no longer needed to restrain or hide'.

Indeed why hide when you can write about it - and then be appointed Minister of State in one of the world's leading powers? That allows you to find the arrest of Polanski "absolutely horrifying". Why he asked, should Polanski be arrested 'over ancient history'. […]

Mitterrand has been called on his fatuous logic. Alas, it has taken a verbal barrage from the leader of the fascistic Front Nationale to bring calls for his resignation to national attention. With the intellectual dyke breached, some on the left are joining calls for Mitterrand to go. […]

His defence of his proclivity for Thai brothels is that his term 'young boys', and 'youths' did not mean the people he bought for sex were underage. He says homosexuals call all men 'boys'. Vraiment?

Reason on Polanski here.