
Undeniable Green Shoot: Jacko Impersonators Doing Boffo B.O. After His Death! Why Not Death Panels for Old Bands? Call It Cash For Clunkers 2!


The AP via Cincy Enquirer reports on the latest economic green shoot, and one certainly that Tim Geithner will be taking credit for. Corey Feldman, call your agent!:

The King of Pop's death has had an electrifying effect on business for those who make their living imitating Jackson in all his moonwalking, crotch-grabbing, tee-heeing glory.

One club proprietor hopes to launch a permanent Jackson show by the star's birthday in late August, and booking agents have seen surges in applications from would-be impersonators and calls for their services.

In a town in which guys made up like Elvis will marry you, serve as emcee at your business conference or sing "Viva Las Vegas" at your private party, Royal Talent, a booking agency for impersonators, said its Michael Jackson act is now the most requested.

Kenny Wizz, who has played the King of Pop since 1984, said: "It's a whole other ballgame. It's like wildfire now."

The Stratosphere recently revamped its billboard and magazine ads for its American Superstars show to feature only Jackson, even though the show includes five performers impersonating other music celebrities.

More here. The best part is that at least 0.00001 of 1 percent of those attending such shows will be driving new cars bought via cash-for-clunkers, and hence protecting the environment. Premature death has always helped energize the art market and between this and talk of government "death panels" that decide who gets access to scarce medical resources, well, let's just say I'd be worried if I were Bob Seeger or Steve Miller.