
Some Genuine "Un-American" Activities for Nancy Pelosi to Worry About


The Independent Institute's Mary Theroux suggests "a few other, arguably more egregiously un-American activities" that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi might want to focus on instead of smearing the ObamaCare protesters:

Torture …why is the Obama administration fighting in courts in San Francisco, Washington and London "to keep an official veil of secrecy over the treatment of a former prisoner who says he was tortured at Guantanamo Bay," and why is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton threatening "to limit U.S. intelligence-sharing with Great Britain if the [British high] court disclosed details of [his] treatment in Guantanamo"?…

Bail-Outs and Stimulus Legislation ?"The American Way" used to be that those who worked hard, were honest, and served their fellow man did well, and those who didn't went broke. Now, those who work hard and save lose their shirts in a government-fueled trainwreck and get taxed to bail out those who took on risky ventures and paid themselves fancy bonuses to boot….??

Immunity from Legislation? Isn't the immunity Congress gives themselves from labor, healthcare and other laws (not to mention the aforementioned exemption from TSA checkpoints) decidedly un-American, where all are supposed to be equal before the law?

Whole thing here.