What on Earth is Rush Limbaugh Talking About?


It wasn't so long ago that conservatives were in high dudgeon over silly, ahistorical comparisons between George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler. Well, now it's Rush Limbaugh's turn to make silly, ahistorical Nazi comparisons. Apparently Limbaugh has determined that the "similarity between Obama's health care logo and the Nazi logo is just overwhelming" and that the administration has "a health care logo that's right out of Adolf Hitler's playbook."  He provides the following evidence, via a blog called "Sweetness and Light":

Good god this is dumb. If use of the caduceus in a logo is inherently fascist, perhaps Limbaugh will protest our National Socialist doctors in the United States Army Medical Corps:

If you manage to trudge through Limbaugh's incoherent rant about Nazi logos and Obama, you'll also be informed that the initial production of the Volkswagen was "right out of the playbook of the environmentalist wackos." Yeah, I don't get it either.

I wrote about Limbaugh here. And reviewed Gotz Aly's book on the Nazi welfare state here.