New Jersey Politician Takes His Job Description a Bit Too Literally
One of the victims who Jersey City Councilman Steve Lipski allegedly urinated on last Friday night at a Washington D.C. nightclub said last night he initially thought someone had spilled beer down his leg.
But when he looked up to the balcony at Nightclub 9:30, where a Grateful Dead tribute band was performing, Joe, a 22-year-old University of Utah student — who only wanted to be identified by his first name — said he saw Lipski "grinning and urinating."
"He (Lipski) kind of had this grin on his face, and you could see his manhood in his hand," Joe said, who estimates 30 people on the dance floor were within range of a "long arc and stream of urine coming out into the crowd."
As the smell of urine hung in the air, a couple of people "ran off screaming" when they realized what was happening, Joe said.
The display went on for a "solid minute," Joe said.