The Friday Political Thread: Spooky Scary Edition
The Week in Brief
- Barack Obama went all Ross Perot on you.
- Bob Barr met Ralph Nader in rhetorical combat.
- Michael the Blogger got his 15 minutes.
- Reasonoids declared their votes.
As of right now, gives Obama a 364-171 lead with North Dakota a tie, and gives Obama a 311-142 lead.
Below the Fold
- Robert Stacy McCain predicts the pundit spin.
- Michael Brendan Dougherty gets sexy.
- A Daily Kos diarist warns against Dem optimism, citing… Daily Kos diaries from four years back.
- Jim Geraghty analyzes the early vote. (He's done a lot of this, so keep on scrolling.)
As we get ready to choose our leader, here's a song about a terrifying monarch.