Rudy Can't Fail


Seriously, he can't. After his Wile E. Coyote-worthy faceplant in the primaries—$60 million in fundraising for half as many votes as Ron Paul and zero delegates—America's Mayor is giving the GOP convention keynote.

Giuliani was close to McCain before they faced off in the GOP primary and, after his disappointing third-place finish in Florida, the former New York mayor quickly threw his support to McCain. 

Since then he's been a frequent surrogate for McCain but has received no mention as a veep prospect. The keynote slot offers Giuliani, who is said to be considering a New York gubernatorial run in 2010, a high-profile opportunity to reestablish himself and tout McCain's national security credentials.

Don't call it a comeback, he's been here for years. "Here" being "in the pro-choice ghetto of the GOP, trotted out for parties and then trundled back into his northeastern cave."

This news wouldn't be so interesting if it wasn't that the other people responsible for Giuliani's partial-birth abortion of a campaign were also falling upwards. His communications director?

Maria Comella, a former campaign spokeswoman for Giuliani, will serve as press secretary for John McCain's vice presidential pick — whomever that turns out to be.

A tireless worker, Comella had the mostly thankless job of tending to the daily wants and needs of the Giuliani travelling press corp.

She also earned her stripes in Rudyland — where loyalty is prized above all else — by sticking around to help Giuliani even after he dropped out of the race.

His campaign manager?

ABC News has learned that Sen. John McCain's campaign has hired Mike DuHaime as political director, the first new hire by Steve Schmidt in his capacity as the person in charge of day-to-day campaign operations. … DuHaime most recently managed the failed presidential campaign of former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani. DuHaime brings years of experience, organizing on behalf of Republicans at the state and local level, to the job.

Is this the Kevin Costner principle at work? Are political operators who've eaten dirt and woken up in ditches more loyal than the smug types whose campaigns didn't go all Hindenburg?

My ill-fated profile of the 9/11-centric GOP's never-dimming star is here.