Why Not Open a National Front Disco?


France's favorite racist, Front National leader Jean-Marie Le Pen—Mr. "Keep France for the French"—is selling his party's suburban Paris headquarters in an attempt to pay off a significant debt accrued during the 2007 election. The catch? The buyer is a malevolent foreigner! The BBC reports:

France's anti-immigrant party, the National Front, is selling its headquarters to a Chinese university, according to the party leader.

Jean-Marie Le Pen has confirmed that the party base has been purchased by a Shanghai university. 


But his party faces growing financial difficulties. It has already sold its bullet-proof car on eBay.

The party has a total debt of some 9m euros ($13.4m; £7m), according to French newspaper Le Monde, partly due to a poor showing in the 2007 legislative elections which meant it had to cover its own campaign costs.

Headline reference, from the infamous Finsbury Park show.