Are British Designers a Bunch of Jerks?


This was supposed to be the new logo for the UK's Office of Government Commerce. It's been mothballed, though, because if you turn it to the side, it looks for all the world like a cartoon man boxing the jesuit.

The logo… was intended to signify a bold commitment to the body's aim of "improving value for money by driving up standards and capability in procurement".

Instead, it has generated howls of mirth and what is likely to be a barrage of teasing emails from mandarins in other departments.

According to insiders, the graphic was already proudly etched on mousemats and pens before it was unveiled for employees, who spotted the clanger within seconds.

If this was a one-time bad design, we could laugh it off. Coming after the Olympic logo "what's that guy doing on his knees?" scandal it seems like more of a rampant cultural decline story. Did the UK legalize gay marriage or something? Stanley Kurtz, to your battle station!

Hat tip: Hugh Akston.