Nanny State

Fred Flintstone Should Stay Out of Toronto


In court the other day, Toronto prosecutor Daniel Lerner was trying to make the case that a 1986 Buick Regal converted into a four-man pedal car by local artists was an inherently unsafe vehicle. He argued that if the operators on the left braked before the operators on the right, the car could swerve into oncoming traffic. Maybe. But as the artists' lawyer pointed out, Toronto allows rickshaws on its streets, and they have no brakes at all. Then Lerner turned his attention to the Buick's headlights, which had been replaced with candles:

"What would happen," Lerner [asked] with pointed conviction, "if a lit candle hit another car?"

As the small courtroom in Old City Hall erupted in giggles, Lerner withdrew his question.

The artists won.

[Thanks to Mark Young for the tip.]