Ron Paul is Topps!
People talk politics like they talk sports, especially during the primary season. They bet, they yammer about the "horserace," they yell at the TV, etc. And now the metaphor will be complete.
The Wednesday after Super Tuesday, just a little too late to be relevant, trading card maker Topps is introducing Campaign 2008 cards of all 12 candidates "including Senator John Edwards, Rudolph Giuliani, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Joseph Biden and former Senator Fred Thompson--who," according to their press release, "have already exited the race."
"Many people will want the frontrunner cards, but the Edwards card or the Thompson mini-campaign card may turn out to be true collectibles."
Among some of the insights found on the backs of the cards:
- John Edwards was the first member of his family to attend college
- John McCain was awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star and Purple Heart
- Hillary Clinton was the first First Lady to hold a postgraduate degree
- Mike Huckabee has supported Middle East peace efforts, taking several trips to Israel
- Dennis Kucinich is a vegan
- Ron Paul, a physician by training, has delivered more than 4,000 babies
No one would buy them, of course, so Topps will be sneaking one candidate card in to every nine packs of baseball cards.
Via The Worldwide Standard, which supplies a little inflationary humor to go with your tradeable politicians:
"A warning to all the little gold bugs on the playground: the company's just going to print more Ron Paul cards."
Those bastards.