You Betray the Son of Man With a Ball Gag


Now that you've picked your jaw up from the floor and wiped away your pristine tears, tell me: What do you think of that ad? Because the thought of this ad promoting "the grandaddy of all leather events" is driving Christian groups to fits of rage.

[Stephen Bennett, president of SBM and a former homosexua] said, "I call upon the homosexual Human Rights Campaign, GLAAD, GLSEN, and the Gay and Lesbian Task Force to publicly condemn this blatant mockery of Christians and Christianity by some within their community, and condemn this sick public display of immoral behavior. I call upon the Miller Brewing Company to pull their endorsement of this event. I call for the organizers of this filth to immediately apologize to Christians worldwide and remove this Last Supper mockery. I also call upon every law abiding official and citizen in America who has any morals to do what they can to shut down this Folsom Street 'Filth' Fair once and for all."

Dan Savage points out the tons and tons of Last Supper parodies already wafting through the culture and wonders what the big deal is. Andrew Sullivan has a challenge:

Next year, guys: do a similar parody on a sacred Muslim scene, if you have the balls. Easy, cheap blasphemy impresses no one.

Hm. How many "sacred Muslim scenes" are there, anyway? I can only think of one, although it would make for a dandy poster. Just imagine the double dildos and assless chaps.