
Rudy Channels Alice Cooper and Tom Petty: He's a Nightmare Who Won't Back Down


Rudy Giuliani, leading candidate for the GOP presidential bid (assuming the U.S. still exists by next summer's convention), is taking it to those hate-America-firsters at MoveOn.org:

Rudy Giuliani's presidential campaign is up with a radio ad in Iowa claming he is liberals' "worst nightmare" - an effort to get early voters to think ahead to November when they caucus in January.

The spot, called "Nightmare," shows that last week's MoveOn.org ad bashing Army Gen. David Petraeus is the gift that keeps on giving for Republicans.

"MoveOn.org is the most powerful left-wing group in the country," the ad, which is running statewide, intones. "They spent millions electing anti-war liberals. And publicly brag how the Democratic Party is theirs - bought and paid for. Why is MoveOn attacking Rudy Giuliani? Because he's their worst nightmare."

"They know Rudy is a Republican who can beat the Democrats," continues the narrator, in the style of a disaster movie voice-over. "And they know, no matter what they say - Rudy will never, ever back down."

More here.

Alice Cooper, rumored to be a Republican, bids welcome to his nightmare here. (Btw, is there any more of a educational-choice anthem than "School's Out"? I think not.)

Tom Petty, channeled before by other Republicans but not one hisself, on not backing down here. Question: If Rudy is ripping off Tom Petty, when will he enter his execrable "I'm a bad boy" phase?

Come see the softer side of Rudy here, in this hilarious ad from one of his runs for NYC mayor (and in which, as one commenter notes, Rudy inexplicably is playing catcher behind a T-ball tee).